Side effects and drawbacks of saffron

Saffron is generally considered to be safe if it is taken in the recommended dosages. Consumption of Saffron less than 1.5 g per day is safe, also saffron is generally safe for most people when taken by mouth as a medicine for up to six weeks. Possible side effects may include anxiety, change in appetite, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea, and headache.

Side effects and drawbacks of saffron

Doses of 60 mg of saffron extract and 400 mg of ground powder may increase the risk for hypotension, reduce hemoglobin, increase blood urea, and reduce the concentration of platelets and immune cells, though these effects aren’t usually particularly potent.

High doses may also increase the risk of headaches, nausea, sedation, hypomania, abnormal uterine bleeding, and diarrhea.

Saffron is not recommended in amounts larger than what is typically found in food for pregnant women since large amounts may cause the uterus to contract and might cause a miscarriage. Check with your healthcare provider before taking it medically if you are breastfeeding or being treated for any medical conditions, especially bipolar disorder, low blood pressure, or a heart condition.

Side effects saffron

Just like with pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals in herbs can interact negatively with each other, be vigilant about their drug/herb combinations, and also consumers must always check with their healthcare provider before supplementing with saffron along with any other medications or supplements.

It is possible to be allergic to this herb. If you have allergies to plant species like Lolium, Olea (including olive), and Salsola, then you may be allergic to saffron. Seek medical attention if you believe you are exhibiting signs of a serious allergic reaction.